As a business coach, I help clients set meaningful goals using a 4-step process. I call this process PREP-4-PROGRESS using the acronym PREP.

Prep is short for preparation. The effort, if haphazard, will not always equal your desired outcome. PREP allows you to focus your effort on what is most important to achieving your goal.

P stands for the purpose of the goal. What are you trying to accomplish, and how will you know?

R stands for your current reality regarding the goal. Knowing your current reality allows you to build a path or strategy, complete with tactics to achieve your goal. Once you can visualize a clear direction and have tactics to implement to help you navigate that path, it is time for the next step.

E stands for execute. You know your purpose, current reality, and you have visualized your path to accomplish your goal. You have tactics to implement. Now it is time to execute – get to it!

P stands for post-mortem. The post-mortem can be a time for celebration for short-term goals because you have accomplished your goal. For longer-term goals, this is when you analyze your results to determine if you are on the right path and using the right tactics.

Getting Started With A Goal...

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