Remember that electric hum in the air, that yearning for fresh starts and soaring ambition that crackles around us every January? As a coach who witnesses this magic firsthand, I can tell you it's more than just the crisp winter breeze. It's the collective breath of dreamers like you, ready to shed the skin of the past year and step into the unknown with fire in their eyes and dreams ablaze.

But hold on. That vast expanse of "the unknown" can feel daunting, right? How do we translate those moonbeam-sized dreams into actionable goals that propel us towards a truly stellar year? That's where I come in, your trusty coach and guide on this journey of visionary goal setting.

Ditch the Dust Bunnies, Embrace the Vision Board Revolution:

Let's face it, resolutions are about as durable as New Year's Eve confetti. They fizzle out faster than champagne bubbles. This year let's ditch the fleeting promises and embrace the vibrant power of vision boards. Think of them as roadmaps woven from dreams, collages brimming with images, quotes, and affirmations that map out your ideal year like a tangible treasure chest. It's holding your future in your hands, a constant reminder of what you're chasing, every single day.

Step 1: Dive Deep – Unearthing Your Inner Compass:

Before the glitter glue and magazine clippings come out, let's get introspective. Ask yourself the big questions that ignite your soul:

  • What ignites your fire? What makes your heart sing and brings you that deep-down fulfillment?
  • Where do you yearn to be this year, inside and out? Think beyond just income – how do you want to make a difference in the world?
  • What values will anchor your journey? Integrity, innovation, collaboration – define the guiding principles that will be your North Star.

Jot down your answers, let your imagination soar, and don't hold back on dreaming big. Remember, visionary goals are about stretching beyond the comfort zone, aiming for the sky, and believing in the impossible.

Step 2: Gather Your Inspiration Fuel:

Now, it's time to fuel your board with visual magic. Scour magazines, websites, even your own photo albums for images that whisper promises of your aspirations. Quotes, affirmations, and even symbols can add powerful energy to your collage.

Think about the emotions you want to evoke. Craving adventure? Find pictures of mountain peaks and roaring waves. Yearning for serenity? Tranquil landscapes and calming quotes might be your jam. Let your intuition be your guide.

Step 3: Craft Your Masterpiece:

Time to unleash your inner artist! Arrange your chosen elements on a board (physical or digital) – this is your canvas, your chance to express your vision with color, texture, and pure intention. Play with layouts, experiment with themes, and let your creativity flow.

There are no rules here. Embrace the messy, the unexpected, the bold. The key is to create a collage that sparks joy and sets your soul on fire.

Step 4: Activate Your Vision Board – From Dream to Reality:

Don't let your masterpiece gather dust in a corner. Hang it somewhere you will see it every day, allowing its vibrant energy to fuel your actions. Regularly revisit your goals, visualize yourself achieving them, and feel the spark of motivation course through you.

But here's the secret sauce: Vision boards are dynamic roadmaps, not static blueprints. As you navigate the year, be open to adjustments and revisions. New opportunities might arise, goals might need tweaking. Embrace the fluidity because flexibility is your key to long-term success.

Mile Markers to Keep You on Track:

So, how do you know you're on the right path? Here are some checkpoints to keep an eye on:

  • Quarterly Check-Ins: Schedule regular reviews with yourself or your coach to assess your progress. Are you moving towards your goals? What needs adjusting?
  • Small Wins, Big Celebrations: Don't wait for the end of the year to pop open the champagne. Celebrate every milestone, no matter how small. This keeps the momentum going!
  • Course Correction: Life throws curveballs, it's inevitable. If you find yourself veering off track, don't panic. Take a step back, reassess your goals, and make the necessary adjustments. Remember, flexibility is your friend.

This January let's make 2024 different. Let's not just make resolutions but set visionary goals and chart a course for a truly stellar year. With your vision board as your guide and your coach by your side, every day becomes a step towards a brighter, bolder future.

Repeat after me: " I fully expect to achieve my dreams, and my vision board is my North Star.”

Now, go forth and create your masterpiece! The world awaits your brilliance.

Progress not perfection!

Bill McDevitt

Founder at Top of the World Coaching

I grow people so people can grow businesses.

Ready to align your business with a deeper purpose? Visit to explore how coaching can help you discover and embrace your purpose for a more fulfilling and impactful journey in business. Alternatively, you can email me at to start a conversation about your path to making a positive impact.

©2022 Top of the World Coaching, LLC.